Genital Wart Treatment in Ankara

Sexuality is a condition found at the core of human nature. Instinctively, people are inclined towards sexuality. As in every system, there are some diseases in the reproductive system, and since we are a species that needs sexuality, it is very easy for these diseases to spread sexually. In this article, we will talk about genital warts , one of the most common sexual diseases .

Genital warts, seen in both women and men , are an infectious disease caused by the sexually transmitted HPV virus . There are more than 200 types of HPV virus, but only 40 types are known to cause this disease.

Genital warts are raised warts that can be seen on the body, especially in the genital and oral areas . The routes of transmission are generally swimming pools, oral, anal and vaginal intercourse. However, some genital warts also cause cervical cancer.

HPV is a very common disease, seen in 1 in 10 people around the world. Although it is generally spread through sexual intercourse and skin-to-skin contact, in some cases it can also develop due to the use of common areas and objects.

What Does Genital Wart Mean?

Genital wart , Human Papilloma of the virus Mole-shaped, rubbery, skin-colored or slightly darker viral skin lesions on the skin caused by (HPV) . Genital warts , also called condyloma , are a sexually transmitted disease that is extremely common all over the world and Chlamydia  is the second most common after infection . Warts are painless lesions and generally do not cause any complaints other than their presence . Sometimes it may cause itching and irritation, and irritated lesions may bleed. Warts can be seen not only on the female genital organ, but also around and inside the anus . Genital wart treatment It should be performed as soon as possible after condyloma is detected, especially if the lesions are widespread. The basis of various methods used in the treatment of condyloma is to prevent the distribution of the virus by completely destroying the infected tissue.

What is a wart and how does it form?

The warts are bumpy hard skin lesions with rubber consistency .They are slightly darker in color than the skin that sometimes looks like cauliflower or velvet due to its thin protrusions on the skin surface. It can be a single lesion or it can occur with more than one lesion and tends to spread. Warts are lesions caused by the HPV virus, which is transmitted by direct contact with the body, in other words, they are lesions that occur as a result of the virus entering the body and creating a structural change in the upper layer of the skin.

Condyloma Mean?

Condyloma or condyloma accuminate is the name used in the medical literature for genital warts .

What is Human Papilloma irus (HPV)?

When it comes to virus Human Papilloa Virus (HPV), we are talking about a virus with more than 100 subtypes, not a single virus. Each of these subtypes can cause infection in different parts of the body and with different clinical significance. For example, warts seen on the feet and hands and warts seen in the genital area are caused by different types of HPV infection and therefore have different importance.

Nearly 30 HPV subtypes can cause infection in the genital area, and HPV types 6 and 11 are responsible for the majority of genital warts. HPV types 6 and 11 do not have a carcinogenic effect, they are not expected to cause cancer.

Genital Wart Symptoms

Genital warts can be of very variable size and shape. The main reasons for this are; It depends on how well the person used as the host fights the disease (for example, the defense system may be much weaker in elderly and sick people) and which type of HPV they are exposed to. Some genital warts may be too small to cause symptoms and may not protrude from the skin. Although it sometimes does not cause any symptoms, a doctor should be consulted if the following symptoms are observed.

Genital Wart Symptoms in Women

Skin lesions that develop due to the HPV virus can usually be easily noticed in men, but are more difficult to notice in women. Because the female sexual organ has a more complex structure than the male and is located inside the body.

  • Lesions in the vaginal area that are larger than the skin and usually the same color as the skin may be a sign of warts.

  • In women whose immune system is weakened due to various diseases or old age, cauliflower-like protrusions that are the same color as the skin may be observed.

  • Itching, redness and discomfort in the vaginal area may be caused by genital warts.

  • Although rare, lesions may cause pain in and around the vagina.

  • Bleeding of the bumps due to friction during vaginal penetration is also a symptom of vaginal warts.

  • Genital warts in women; It can be seen as blisters in the mouth, lips, tongue, throat, outer walls of the vagina and anal canal.

Genital Wart Symptoms in Men

Genital warts can be seen in men as well as women. They are raised-shaped lesions in men, just like in women. Unlike men, genital warts are easier to see. They are usually visible bumps on the penis and surrounding skin.

  • It can be seen as lesions on the penis and surrounding skin, which are more swollen than the skin and the same color as the skin.

  • Redness, itching, discomfort and pain in and around the penis may indicate genital warts.

  • any penetration .

  • In men, urination may be interrupted or difficulty urinating. The reason for this is that genital warts create an obstacle in the part of the urinary tract that opens to the outside .

  • Genital warts in men; It can be seen on the tip and shaft of the penis, scrotum , anus, groin area, mouth, lips, tongue and throat.

How to Tell If You Have HPV?

A person can understand whether he or she has the HPV virus from wart-like lesions, or if there is no lesion but HPV is suspected, he or she can also understand from the PCR test performed directly from the swab . The PCR test performed from the swab your doctor will take from the vagina and cervix or from the suspicious skin lesion will provide informative information about whether HPV is positive or not and which type it is.

Diagnostic Methods in HPV

Genital warts have a unique appearance. Because; It can be easily diagnosed by gynecologists, urologists or dermatologists. Regular annual gynecological examination is very important in the diagnosis of HPV.

There is no clear diagnostic method for men to diagnose genital warts. Examinations performed by gynecologists are sufficient to make a diagnosis.

Rarely, lesions that differ from the classical appearance can be diagnosed by skin biopsy.

Pap Smear Test

Pap A smear test is taking a tissue sample from the cervix with the help of a brush and examining it. It is a very easy and painless procedure. Differentiations in the cells at the entrance to the uterus are investigated. Although it is effective in making a differential diagnosis, it is not sufficient to make a full diagnosis. If the test result is positive, the suspicion of HPV increases.


Some types of HPV cause cancer. DNA research is performed on the woman's cells for these HPV types.


the vulva, vagina and cervix with a lighted magnifying glass. HPV types cause different cellular changes in the cervix. Colposcopy is the process of examining these lesions with the help of a lighted magnifying glass and taking a biopsy when necessary.

Cervical Biopsy

Pap Similar to the smear test, a tissue sample is taken from the cervix and examined.

How is HPV Transmitted?

HPV is a virus that is transmitted from person to person and is transmitted by direct contact. Although it can survive for a long time in the external environment, it is a virus that is resistant to disinfectants. Since direct contact with the body is required for the virus to be transmitted, contact is required either with the infected area or with the sick person. When it comes to genital warts, this contact is usually sexual intercourse.

What Does HPV Do in Men and Women?

HPV causes similar warts in both men and women. At the same time, some types can cause cervical cancer, vaginal cancer and vulva cancer in women, and more rarely, penile cancer and anal cancer in men. HPV is responsible for 90% of cervical cancer in women .

How Do Warts Spread?

Warts are spread from one person to another by direct contact, and for genital warts, transmission can occur through vaginal and anal sex, as well as through the use of shared items. Although condoms play an important role in protecting against HPV , warts located in areas that the condom cannot cover can be transmitted despite the condom during intercourse. The virus may cause the development of warts not immediately after infecting the body, but 2 months or even years later. However, the fact that a person does not have warts in this process does not mean that he will not be contagious. In fact, in people with a strong immune system, the virus can be cleared from the body without causing any lesions in this process, but the partner may be infected.

Protection from HPV ?

Since HPV is a sexually transmitted virus, the most frequently recommended method of protection is the use of " condoms ". Although it will not completely protect against warts, it will at least prevent the virus from reaching the cervix.

Another protection is the " HPV VACCINE " . Starting from the age of 11, it is recommended for everyone who wants to be protected to be vaccinated. The vaccine not only protects against HPV types 6 and 11, which cause warts, but also against HPV types 16 and 18, which cause cervical cancer. The main purpose of the vaccine is to protect against cancer. The vaccine is primarily given abroad, especially to young girls aged 11-14, because at this age, the immune system response to the vaccine is better and vaccination before encountering the virus is more effective in protecting against cancer.

How is HPV Vaccination Made?

The HPV vaccine is an arm vaccine. If it is administered before the age of 15, 2 doses with an interval of 6 months is sufficient, but after the age of 15, at least 3 doses of the vaccine should be administered. Vaccination should no longer mean neglecting HPV-related smear tests. It is recommended that every woman continue to have cervical cancer screenings, even if she has been vaccinated, starting from the age of 25. The vaccine is also given to men with the same doses.

You may also be interested in our article 6 Reasons Why You Should Get the HPV Vaccination .

Genital Wart Treatment

You should be examined by your doctor as soon as warts are noticed. Since genital warts are sexually transmitted , examination should not be delayed, considering that there may be other accompanying infections .

Warts are treated according to their prevalence. While mild and limited-area warts can be destroyed chemically with appropriate creams or solutions, more widespread and larger warts are treated with cryocoagulation (freezing) or electrocauterization (burning) methods. Treatment may be effective all at once, or it may sometimes involve repeated sessions. During this treatment process, it is recommended that the patient refrain from sexual intercourse until the patient is completely lesion-free. One thing that should not be forgotten in the treatment is that the creams and solutions sold for hand and foot warts will not be a treatment option for genital warts.

Treatment Methods for HPV

Elimination of the HPV virus from the body can be achieved with some medications, surgical intervention and time. Some types of genital warts are an important disease that can also cause cancer. For this reason , if genital warts are suspected, hearsay treatments should not be applied and a specialist physician should be consulted . Some of the treatment methods are:

Toical Creams or Liquids

Wart tissue can be burned with the help of chemical drugs, but genital warts are different from other warts. For this reason, creams used for warts on other parts of the body should not be applied to this area and a doctor should be consulted.


Cryotherapy is a method of freezing warts using liquid nitrogen.


It is a potentially painful procedure and therefore local anesthesia is applied. Warts are burned by applying electric current.


It is the method in which the base tissue is completely cut and removed. It provides a solution similar to the others, but it is riskier than other methods.

What Should You Pay Attention After Warts Are Burned?

The diseased tissues are completely destroyed by cautery or laser method, it is important to care for the cautery areas. In order to prevent these areas from getting infected, patients are recommended to follow the care rules recommended by their physicians, not to enter water until the wounds are healed, and even not to have sexual intercourse until this healing is completed. Cold application and epithelializing treatments will be beneficial to reduce swelling and pain during the healing of the lesions.

How Long Does Genital Warts Take to Heal?

All the treatment methods mentioned above remove existing warts. But sometimes treatment can take months due to relapses . During this process, the person continues to be a carrier and warts may appear again in case of any fluctuation in the immune system.

The result of the mentioned treatment methods is the same and is to destroy the existing viruses. But recovery time varies. For example, while the problem is solved with the healing of the wounds after the surgical procedure, the treatment process with the cream may be longer.

Do The Genital Warts Go Away on Their Own?

If left untreated, genital warts usually go away on their own within a few months to a few years. Even though it goes away spontaneously, it has greater risks than the treatment methods. The risk of recurrence of untreated warts is much higher than that of treated ones. In addition, since contagion continues during this period, it causes the virus to spread further in the society. Therefore, if genital warts are suspected, treatment must be done .

Genital Wart Diagnosis and Treatment?

If there are signs of genital warts or any other genital disease , a specialist gynecologist should be consulted. Expert opinion is very important in evaluating different treatment options and diseases that may occur with warts.

What Diseases Does HPV Infection Cause Apart from Genital Warts?

It is known that the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer also causes penile skin cancer in men. It should not be forgotten that men are generally carriers and therefore protection of men is as important as women. Genital warts also pose significant risks for male patients, and when detected, they should be treated without delay.

HPV can also cause cancers in the anus and rectum at the end of the large intestine when seen in the anal area. However, it can cause cancer in areas such as oral intercourse and the tongue and larynx.

Sexuality After Genital Wart Treatment

Patients who have completed genital wart treatment are advised to inform their partners before sexual intercourse . As mentioned before in our article, warts may recur or even not appear. For this reason, even after treatment, protection should be provided for a few months.

How to Get Screened for HPV?

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that is quite common around the world. HPV, which usually affects the genital area, has been a nightmare for millions of people with its more than 200 subtypes. Although HPV is a common type, it is not a very scary disease in today's medicine. Genital warts, which have many treatment methods when diagnosed , can cause great damage to the patient if left untreated. Serious diseases such as cervical cancer, anal cancer, penile cancer, mouth cancer, pharynx cancer can be a result of delayed treatment. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose HPV and start treatment early.

Pap smear test is a routine screening test for HPV diagnosis . An other test is HPV PCR screening test, which gives specific results, shows the presence of HPV and gives information about its type.. The main purpose of these tests is to diagnose genital warts and prevent major diseases, including cancer, that may develop.

Does HPV Cause Cancer?

HPV is a virus that is quite common in society. It has been observed that it can cause many types of cancers that can be located in many parts of the body. It is generally known that it interferes with the protection systems in the cell that should not be damaged, turning the cell into a tumor cell that is hostile to the body.

The biggest medical advantage in HPV is that early diagnosis and treatment reduces the risk of cancer to almost zero. When viruses that are diagnosed early and treated appropriately, the disease becomes incapable of harming the body and the risk of cancer formation is minimized. Early diagnosis is even more important, especially for cancers that may occur in areas where HPV affects the early stages. Therefore, if in the sexual areas or oral area If genital warts are observed, a physician should be consulted immediately and treatment should be started early.

Cancers caused by HPV can occur in many parts of the body. Although it is most commonly responsible for cancers in the penis, vagina and oral areas; It may also have an effect on cervical cancer, pharynx cancer or cancer involving the intestines. Although cancers caused by HPV are generally due to delayed treatment, the solution is easier in patients who apply when genital wart symptoms appear, except for patients who do not persistently seek medical support. In summary, consulting a doctor is the only criterion to easily get rid of this virus .

What is the LEEP Process?

LEEP ( Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure ) is a state-of-the-art procedure used in surgical operations and developed to replace traditional treatments such as burning, freezing or laser . A rod with a half-loop wire at the end is used in LEEP . Electric current passes through the very thin wire at the end of this rod. Tissues are removed from the body with the help of this wire. To summarize, this wire, which uses electric current, functions like a surgical knife. LEEP is used to remove small pieces of abnormal tissue from the cervix. Although the LEEP procedure, which does not require any preliminary preparation and can be performed under general or local anesthesia , is a surgical procedure, it is included in the outpatient surgery class. Operations that occur without any problems are usually completed within 5 to 10 minutes. There is no need for hospitalization after the procedure and the patient can be discharged directly after the operation. In special cases where general anesthesia is applied, the patient must wake up. In this case, the patient is kept in the room reserved for the recovery process until he wakes up and is then discharged.

LEEP procedure, abnormal Pap It is used in the treatment and examination of tissue that may be a precursor to cancer by further evaluation depending on the smear test result. During the procedure, the tissue is removed without being destroyed and sent to specialists for pathological examination. This is one of the biggest advantages of LEEP . While pathological examination of non-destructed tissues is possible, pathological examination is not possible in cases where traditional methods are used. As a result of pathological examinations, the condition of the tissue, the disease and the stage of the disease, that is, the amount of progression, are examined.

Although it is a simple and low-risk procedure, there is a risk of some side effects after LEEP. Post-operative side effects are rare, and even if they occur, they are probably simple situations that will not affect the patient much.

Recovery time after the operation varies from person to person. Although it varies depending on age, race and the patient's blood cells, the healing of the cervix is generally completed within a few weeks and returns to its previous state. It is normal to have brown discharge for the first few weeks after the procedure. In addition, after the procedure, there may be pain similar to menstrual pain or cramps . Such minor inconveniences are resolved in a short time. Risks such as bleeding and infection can cause major risks that can cause permanent damage. Therefore, in case of any bleeding, it is very important to consult a physician immediately and take the necessary antibiotics.

Some Situations to Consider After LEEP

  • After the procedure, a wound forms on the cervix that needs to heal and is vulnerable to external factors. For this reason, sexual intercourse should not be attempted during the 3 or 4 week period determined by the physician.

  • In cases of severe abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and fever, you should definitely go to the emergency department of the nearest hospital. These symptoms generally occur when the wound becomes infected and can cause major problems for the patient.

  • Until recovery is achieved, exercise should not be done, sudden movements should be avoided, and the sea, pool or bathtub should not be entered. While cleaning the body, extra care should be taken to prevent water from reaching the area where the operation is performed.

  • Medications given after the LEEP procedure should be used regularly. In particular, disruptions in the use of antibiotics may lead to the development of resistance, causing the patient to have to use harsher medications.

How is HSIL, CIN 2 and CIN 3 Caused by HPV Treated?

that HPV can cause cancer. Now we will talk about the precursor lesions, namely CINs, that are seen while causing this cancer . CIN is the name given to lesions that are generally not cancerous, but are considered cancer precursors. CIN classification is generally made according to the severity of the lesion, that is, the risk of turning into cancer. The lightest JIN is 1, while the heaviest is JIN 3.

varies after classification, that is, depending on the severity of the lesion . Now let's examine the treatment methods in more detail.

CIN 1 Treatment

CIN1 is quite inactive and harmless. For this reason, the lesion is only monitored and if the lesion persists persistently for more than 2 years, treatment is started. Ablative methods, that is, methods that freeze the cervix, are used in its treatment. Laser and cryotherapy , which are in the ablative class, are suitable methods for the treatment of CIN 1.

CIN 2 and 3 Treatment

Lesions found in these two stages are much more risky and dangerous than CIN1. Therefore, they must be treated. In HPV cases where these lesions are seen, the treatment method is generally to remove the risky area using surgical methods. Conization and LEEP are the most suitable methods for this procedure. The risky area in the cervix is easily removed with these methods and pathological examination can be performed. The patient's age, clinical findings and whether he or she wants to have children in the future are effective in choosing conization and LEEP methods.

Conization and How is it Applied?

CIN2 and CIN3 are in the high-risk tissue group for cancer transformation. One of the two methods in the treatment of CIN2 and CIN3, which are precancerous lesions, is conization . Conization , in its most basic definition , is the process of diagnosing precancerous tissue and removing the diseased part with the help of a surgical instrument . In some cases , conization can be applied under local or general anesthesia in patients with these lesions , but unlike the LEEP method, general anesthesia is generally preferred.

the conization process is to take a piece from the lesion to be sent for pathological examination. The taken piece is examined in pathology laboratories. The result shows whether the tissue is a malignant tumor and whether it has spread around the cervix. The patient can recover and return to normal life in 1-2 days. Results usually appear within 7 to 10 days. Depending on the result, continuity of treatment is ensured.

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that manifests itself in stages. Because it reveals its symptoms, it can be diagnosed earlier than other insidious types of cancer. Pap Depending on the smear test result and subsequent examinations, conization may be performed. In this way, cancer can be treated before it even occurs.

Conization can be risky and harmful in some cases. When the removed piece is too large, cervical insufficiency may occur. The uterus may not be able to hold the baby and thus there is a risk of miscarriage. In summary , after the conization procedure, problems may occur in the patient's ability to become pregnant and in the healthy progress of the pregnancy process. It would be better to choose the LEEP method for women who are planning pregnancy.

What Should Be Considered After Conization Surgery?

Conization is a surgical procedure. There is a risk of bleeding and infection in conization , as in any surgical procedure . In order to minimize such risks, it is useful to be more careful about some issues. Now let's look at the things to consider after conization surgery.

Light bleeding may occur that continues for the first week. The area where this bleeding occurs is the operation area and there is an open wound. Extra care must be taken to prevent infection from this wound . Contact with water should be minimized for the first week. In particular, places that may come into contact with water, such as pools and bathtubs, should be avoided and showers should be kept short and contact should be minimized.

The vaginal area should not be contacted with soap or other cleaning materials. If these substances mix with the blood from an open wound, it can be very dangerous for the body.

After the operation, sexual intercourse should not be attempted for a period determined by the physician. Otherwise, the wound may reopen, excessive bleeding may occur, and you may become susceptible to infections .


What are the Prevention Methods from HPV Infection?

HPV is a virus found in a large part of the world's population. Although most of these people do not have genital warts, they continue to live as carriers of the virus. People who do not have genital warts, that is, carriers, can develop in 2 ways. The first group of these people to be carriers consists of those who have been exposed to the virus, but because their immune systems are strong, they kill most of these viruses before they can cause genital warts. Viruses that cannot be killed are stored in these people and continue to be stored throughout the person's life. In the second group, exposure to the virus caused the disease and symptoms , that is, genital warts occurred. These people received medical support and got rid of genital warts. To summarize, people who do not have genital warts but passively carry the virus in their bodies are called carriers. Carriers do not transmit the virus.

HPV protection methods vary between carriers and people who have not been exposed to HPV . While general protection methods for people who have not been exposed to HPV are based on staying away from people who may have HPV , protection methods for people who are HPV carriers are generally based on protecting the immune system.

Prevention Methods for Carriers (People Who Have Been Exposed to the Disease At Least Once in the Past)

The precautions required for male and female carriers are similar, if not exactly the same.

the recurrence of the disease in carrier individuals . Viruses have the risk of turning into disease in carrier individuals. The only factor preventing this is the immune system. If there is any deficiency in the person's immunity, the viruses attack again and cause HPV infection .

To maintain immunity, the balance of vitamins and minerals must be constantly maintained. Eating healthy and consuming plenty of fruit are the most important factors in achieving this balance.

A sporty lifestyle increases immunity.

Stress and psychological disorders weaken the immune system. Stressful professions and situations should be avoided. If it is thought to be a psychological disorder, experts should be consulted.

Paying attention to genital area cleanliness is also an important factor for carriers.

Prevention Methods for People Who Have Never Been Exposed to the Disease

Although one of the methods of protection for people who have never been exposed to the disease is to keep their immune system strong, avoiding contact with people at risk of HPV is the most effective method of protection.

HPV for both men and women is monogamy. The risk of this disease occurring in monogamy is quite low. Because the HPV virus is not found in any human being at birth. To summarize, if you never have sex with someone who has HPV, you will never get this virus.

HPV vaccination can be administered to women during adolescence. This vaccine is also called the vaccine that protects against cervical cancer and its protection rate is very high. The most important point for this vaccine is that the person has not had any sexual activity before. Although ages 9 to 12 are especially suitable for this vaccine, the vaccine can also be administered to adults who have not started sexual activity. The vaccine will not have any protective effect on people who have started sexual activity. The effectiveness of the HPV vaccine, which is an effective method in women, in men is a medical question mark.

Condoms have a protective effect against the transmission of almost all genital diseases. It has no protective effect against genital warts and HPV transmission. The main reason for this is that genital warts can also be found in the groin areas and are easily contacted during sexual intercourse.

a strong immune system prevents the formation of genital warts, it generally does not affect the risk of being a carrier.

Does the HPV Vaccine Have Side Effects?

The HPV vaccine is an effective vaccine that is famous for its protection. Like every vaccine, the HPV vaccine has minimal side effects. Although there are minor side effects, no known major side effects have been observed. Minor side effects include:

  • Swelling and redness at the injection site

  • mild pain

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness (More common in adolescents.)

  • Headache

  • Increased desire to sleep for a while

Does HPV Vaccine Prevent Cancer?

HPV vaccines are generally protective. When talking about the vaccine, it is worth noting that the HPV vaccine is a preventive method, not a therapeutic method. Vaccination administered after cancer has occurred will have no effect against cancer. The vaccine administered at the right time, that is, before contact with HPV, will protect against cancer. It has protective properties especially against cervical cancer, penis cancer, anus cancer, vulva cancer and laryngeal cancer. Although it has protection, it is not effective against all HPV types and its effect may decrease in cases where immunity is weakened.

Does HPV Vaccine Prevent Genital Warts?

The HPV vaccine ensures that the killer cells in the body are better prepared to kill the virus as soon as it is infected and to prevent the infection that will develop. If the HPV vaccine is administered to people with a normal immune system, most of the HPVs will be killed and the remaining parts will be suppressed. In this case, the formation of genital warts will not be possible. To summarize; HPV vaccine protects against HPV . As a result, it provides almost 100% protection against diseases such as cancer and genital warts caused by HPV .

HPV vaccines have 2 different types. These; Gardasil and Cervarix . While Gardasil acts against 4 different types of HPV , Cervarix is effective against 2 different types of HPV. As can be understood from this, it is not possible to provide complete protection against HPV, which has more than 200 types, with vaccines. In addition to the protective effect of vaccines, the person must take protective measures.

Who Can Get the HPV Vaccine?

HPV vaccine is a vaccine that is generally recommended for young boys and girls (especially around the age of 11 - 12). Although the most effective and correct period is young age, this vaccine can be applied to everyone from the age of 9 to 45 years. The important point is sexual activity and virus exposure . Vaccination administered after virus exposure will have almost no effect.

Genital Warts Be Treated During Pregnancy ?

Genital warts are lesions that carry many risks and must be treated as soon as possible. Similarly, treatment must be given immediately during pregnancy. When deciding on the method to be used in pregnant women, the number, spread and size of the warts are taken into consideration. Trichloroacetic acid and cryocautery are most commonly used against genital warts during pregnancy . In addition, electrocautery and laser treatment can also be applied to pregnant women. The condition of the genital wart, the patient's wishes and the doctor's recommendation play a role in choosing the treatment method to be used , that is, the patient and the doctor decide the treatment method together.

Can Normal Birth Be Preferred If There Are Genital Warts During Pregnancy ?

genital warts can reach the birth stage without treatment. Caesarean section birth can be performed without treatment of warts that are controlled by regular tests. HPV does not pass to the baby during pregnancy, but it is not possible for the pregnancy to end with normal birth. Because HPV may be transmitted from active genital warts to the baby during normal birth . For this reason, cesarean section is generally preferred in genital wart patients with HPV . In this way, the baby's immune system, which is not yet fully formed, is not put at such a serious risk.

Ankara Genital Wart Treatment

Genital wart treatment is applied in our Ankara-based practice . You can call us for information and appointment: 0(552) 328 9989


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