Gynecologic Follow Up

Gynecologic evaluation is sometimes tought to be a meaningless procedure if the woman doesn’t have any complaints or isn’t planning to get pregnant. However regular gynecologic check up is the only way to an early diagnose of ovarian uterine or cervical cancers .We must keep in mind that most of the gynecologic cancers give symptoms in the very late stages which limitates the treatment options and the success.. Myomas , cysts , menstrual irregularities , infections , family planning methods , cervix cancer screeninig( pap smear) , urinary incontinence , pelvic pains are the common causes of gynecologic evaluation and follow up. .


Many women have fears to sit down on a gynecologic chair.Nevertheless routine examniation is a very short procedure and almost painless especiaaly if it is done under relaxed and preinformed conditions. Please do not avoid having your annual controls because of your fears and also motivate those who are around you and postponing their controls too..

Ankara Gynecologist

Ankara woman diseases on the subjects information And meeting to take for our practice You can call : 0(552) 328 99 89



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