Labioplasty Surgery in Ankara

Aesthetic operations have become quite common in these days. Aesthetic operations are performed on all body parts, from the face to the feet, where the appearance and functionality are not satisfied. Some aesthetic operations can also be performed on sexual organs. Labioplasty is one of the common genital plastic surgeries performed in recent years. Many women , who previously saw this as a taboo or shame and did not share their problem, can express their demands more easily and freely decide on the change they desire.

Labioplasty ?

Labioplasty is a surgery that is performed to correct the bad appearance that is usually caused by congenital inner lips in the female sexual area, which are elongated, darkened, widened, sagging, irregular, or one lip is larger than the other . The problem is not only visual, it can be a significant problem as it causes irritation upon contact with laundry and is visible through clothes , causing social distress. In these surgeries, a part of the inner lip is cut or corrected and reduced aesthetically in accordance with the anatomy. In this way, the sexual organ regains its desired appearance. This is where its name comes from. In Latin , labiaplasty means correction of the labium (lip).

What is Labia Sagging and Why Does It Happen?

The inner lip or labium minor is a structure that protects the entrance to the vagina and the entrance to the urethra , which are areas prone to infection , from microorganisms. Inner lip sagging, or medically known as labial Hypertrophy is the condition in which the inner parts of the lips of the female genital area sags outwards and have an unpleasant appearance. This condition may be congenital or acquired. In other words, it is closely related to both genetic factors and external factors.

Sagging inner lips is a very common condition that can happen to any woman. Although there may be hundreds of reasons for this situation, it is possible to mention the main reasons. Now let's talk about these main reasons in detail.

Congenital Prolapse / Genetic Factors

The inner lip may sag congenitally or acquired. In some cases, sagging lips can be observed since childhood. Although this may have some harmful effects, there will be no problem in treating it in the future. In addition, the most important factor in sagging inner lips is genetic factors. While the inner lips are more prone to sagging in some women, the situation is the opposite in others. So, we can say that sagging inner lips is a very normal condition that develops directly due to genetic factors.

Hormone Use

Especially in individuals who are affected by some diseases during adolescence and have to use hormones, the inner lips enlarge and this creates a suitable environment for inner lip sagging.

The Effect of Adolescence and Advancing Age

The most common period for sagging of the inner lips is adolescence. The hormones of adolescents often reach extreme levels. This creates an effect as if using hormone medication and prepares the appropriate environment for sagging.

Infections in the Genital Area

Damage to the inner lip occurs as a result of cellular migration resulting from infections and the woman's frequent scratching of this area. This causes it to expand and sag.

Frequent Itching of the Genital Area Due to Dermatitis

Similar to infections, itching occurs in dermatitis. This causes sagging.

Masturbating Too Often

Masturbation damages the inner lips. Due to this damage, the inner lip expands and sagging occurs. Especially frequent masturbation creates an environment conducive to sagging of the inner lips.

Having More Pregnancies

Pregnancy and birth damage the tissues around the vagina. The inner lips in this area are also affected by this condition. This damage increases, especially in women who have given birth to multiple births, and inner lip sagging is more visible.

Relationship with Multiple Partners

There is a risk of damage to the inner lips in case of intercourse with many partners .

Pull Extension

Physical pulling of the inner lips normally causes the inner lips to grow and sag. In some tribes in Africa, the size of the inner lips indicates the beauty of the woman. Therefore, women in these tribes induce the growth of the inner lip by applying physical pulling.

Piercing Usage

Piercing the inner lip can be very effective in expanding the inner lip. It can be seen that the inner lip is enlarged as a result of placing the hand on the piercing while cleaning the shower and toilet .

Risks of Labioplasty?

There are no restrictions in labiaplasty except the physician's approval and the age limit of 18. There is no harm in having it performed by physicians who are experts in the field , provided that the approval of the physician who reviews the accompanying diseases and risk factors is obtained.

Labiaplasty surgery, like all other medical interventions, should be performed in operating rooms with the necessary equipment and by expert surgeons. It is very important that the environment where labiaplasty is performed is sterilized ; because infections in this area can cause serious damage to the genital organ.


The operation is usually caaired out under local anesthesia, and the risks are quite low if a careful care is carried out afterwards. There is no intervention in the vagina and it does not cause any harm to the vagina . It does not cause damage to the hymen , either . All adult women, whether married or single , who have given birth or not, can have this procedure.

Reasons for Performing Labioplasty

Labioplasty is usually performed due to sagging of the inner lip of the genital organ. These saggings push the woman into psychological anxiety and may cause other problems. These problems can also negatively affect the woman. Therefore, in some cases, it is a mandatory surgery. The negative effects of sagging on women are as follows:

  • Embarrassment and loss of self-confidence

  • Distortion in body perception

  • Pain due to stretching during sexual intercourse, feeling of pain

  • Inability to feel during sexual intercourse (Especially if the clitoris is covered with too much skin)

  • chronic local irritation​

  • frequent vaginal infection

  • Hygiene problems during menstruation and after using the toilet

  • Sweating, odor and infection problems after exercises such as fitness

  • Friction when wearing tight pants

  • Noticing the genital area from the outside when wearing tights-type clothes

  • Feelings of discomfort while walking, cycling and sitting

Reasons for Having a labioplasty

Sagging inner lips is seen as an unimportant problem for many women, but it can cause problems in many ways. Now let's talk about these problems.

Unpleasant Image

Sagging inner lips is not welcome, especially in European countries and Turkey. The ideal genital organ image includes an inner lip that is recessed and not large. For this reason, many women prefer labiaplasty surgery due to visual discomfort.

Psychological Problems

deformity, bad odor and susceptibility to infections is that the woman is psychologically affected by this process. The woman may not be able to cope with these problems and may become depressed . However, women may experience embarrassment and loss of self-confidence. As a result, he may avoid relationship and marriage.

Hygiene Problems

Hygiene problems may occur, especially when going to the toilet and during menstrual bleeding . As a result, infection and an unpleasant odor may also occur.

Problems Related to Position and Clothing

It may cause abrasion due to friction when wearing trousers, be noticeable from the outside when wearing tight clothing, and cause discomfort in activities such as running and cycling.

Problems During Sexual Intercourse

It can cause tension and pain during sexual intercourse.

Problems While Urinating

When urinating, urine accumulates between the lips, causing difficulty and causing the urine to change direction and spread around.

Situations Requiring Labioplasty

Labial Hypertrophy

It means enlarged, sagging and wide inner lips that extend beyond the labia majora. It is the most common reason for labiaplasty . Although this condition is usually congenital, it may increase during adolescence, under the influence of hormones or due to some infections . In addition, aging and childbirth may also be the cause of the growth in the inner lip.


The inner lips are different in size or shape. Usually, an operation is performed to make one of the lips look like the other.

Edge Irregularities

İrreguler edges together with roughness and darkening at the ends of one or both inner lips .

A Woman is Dissatisfied with Her Lip Shape

Sometimes, even though the lip shape is normal, the woman is uncomfortable with it and her psychology is disturbed. In these cases, the lip shape the woman wants is given surgically.

Types of Labioplasty Methods?

Labioplasty techniques are chosen according to the size of the inner lip and the amount of sagging. Depending on the final shape desired by the woman, the method to be applied is chosen by the joint decision of the woman and the physician. Appropriate planning is made and the operation is performed according to the chosen method. Now let's talk about these techniques in more detail.

Partial Resection

most frequently preferred labiaplasty techniques is partial resection. This technique is preferred in women whose inner lips are excessively sagging and wrinkled. Excess skin parts are cut in a slightly elliptical shape. It is an easy method and the recovery time is short.

V Plasty

It is a method that allows the inner lip to be cut from the inside and the edges to remain in their natural shape. Afterwards, it is not even obvious that surgery was performed. The disadvantage of V plasty is that this method cannot be applied to women, especially those whose outer parts of the inner lips are dark or have many wrinkles.

Laser Labioplasty

The laser method, which is usually applied with a CO2 laser, has some advantages and disadvantages. During laser treatment, bleeding is minimized due to the heating effect of the laser used. Therefore, this method can be used in patients where bleeding may cause major effects. Another important feature is that it is one of the most suitable methods for women with thick inner lips. The disadvantage of laser, which is why it is less preferred, is that the recovery time is longer than other methods. Generally, laser-free procedures performed normally are preferred.

Wedge Resection

It is the process of removing wedge-shaped tissue from the inner lip. The main purpose of wedge resection is to minimize bleeding, as in laser treatment.

Deepitelization ( Delamination )

The purpose of this technique is to protect the nerve and vascular tissue in the inner lip. The skin from the inner lip is removed in small pieces, trying not to damage the vessels and nerves. This method brings with it many disadvantages. First of all, swelling on the inner lip and scars may be seen after wound healing. In addition, as a result of the procedure, only a decrease in the vertical dimension is observed. No transverse narrowing is observed.

Other Techniques

Other labiaplasty techniques are less efficient and have more disadvantages compared to the techniques we mentioned. Although medicine is advancing day by day, we have mentioned above the most suitable methods for today.

Before The Labioplasty Surgery

Labiaplasty surgery is a esthetic surgical procedure. For this reason, the surgical knowledge and skills of the physician to be selected will directly affect this surgery. The first step for labiaplasty surgery is to determine the method to be applied. The decision on this issue is made during the evaluation conversation between the doctor and the patient. There are many details in the method to be applied. Details such as whether you want there to be no bleeding or whether you want the natural shape not to be distorted can be very important. Photographs of the results of previous operations can also be guiding when choosing the method.

Labioplasty surgery is often performed together with clitorohudoplasty , in which the excess skin on the clitoris is removed . This is because after labiaplasty , the clitoris has an uncomfortable and unaesthetic appearance in the genital area. To avoid this appearance, clitoroplasty is usually performed, in which the excess skin of the clitoris is removed.


What Will Happen After the Labioplasty Procedure?

Although there are generally no undesirable complications , conditions such as infection and bleeding may occur. These are possible complications that can occur in all surgical interventions . The risk of infection necessitates this procedure to be performed in a sterile environment.

Bleeding may very rarely occur in the form of spotting after surgery. This too is temporary.

As with most surgical operations, edema may occur in the first days. There may be redness and tenderness due to edema. It will disappear over time with the application of cold.

The stitches will disappear on their own in a short time. Attention should be paid to the hygiene of this area for 4 weeks until full recovery is achieved . The stitch marks will disappear completely within a few months.

What Should Be Considered After Surgery?

  • Attention should be paid to the hygiene of the genital area

  • the genital area dry and clean.

  • the sea, pool, jacuzzi and bathtub as the risk of infection is high.

  • Any sports that may cause the stitches to open should be avoided.

  • Checking and dressing should be done at times determined by the physician.

  • You should definitely rest for the first 2-3 days.

  • During the healing process, attention should be paid to nutrition and a balanced diet should be followed.

  • Shower should be avoided for 3 days after the surgery. Water reaching this area may cause infection .

  • Ice can be applied for the first 3 days. It will be effective in reducing bleeding and pain

  • Sexual intercourse should not be attempted for the first month.

  • Laser epilation can be done after 3 weeks

  • Cleaning the toilet should be done from front to back. After the first 3 days, the wound area can be washed with soap and water.

Labioplasty Affect Sexual Life?

The answer to this question is clearly yes. Most women experience lack of self-confidence and shyness due to the deformity of their inner lips. As a result, their psychology is affected and they stay away from marriage and relationships. They may even become alienated from having a relationship with their spouses. After labiaplasty and a short recovery period, the sexual organs have an aesthetic appearance. As a result, the woman's self-confidence is restored and the excitement and desire in sexual relations increases.

How Long After Surgery Can I Have Sexual Intercourse?

Resting at home is recommended for the first 3 days after inner lip surgery. In general, edema completes its healing within 1 week and the stitches are removed for 20 days. Full recovery occurs after 1 month, and this is the day when all activities, including sexuality , are free.

Is There Any Loss of Sensation After Labioplasty ?

all feelings, including sexual pleasure, will increase. First of all, the genital organ, which has an aesthetic appearance , gives women self-confidence and men desire. This is effective in increasing the resulting feelings. In addition, clitoroplasty , which is usually performed together with this operation , will greatly increase sexual pleasure. It will cause increased stimulation as the skin becomes thinner.

Labioplasty be Performed on Virgins?

Yes, there is no harm in performing labiaplasty on virgin women. While the inner lip is in the external genital organ, the hymen is in the internal genital organ. In other words, it is almost impossible for these two parts, which are quite far from each other, to affect each other during operation .

Is it possible to have a normal birth after labiaplasty ?

Labioplasty is an operation that saves women from many problems , including infection . This operation ensures that the external genital organ becomes much more suitable. Removing the inner lip, which is not even closely and clearly related to birth, has no negative impact on birth.

Can a Caesarean Section Be Performed After Labioplasty ?

Caesarean section is the birth of the baby through an incision in the abdomen. The inner lip, which has nothing to do with this area, has no effect on cesarean birth. Therefore , labiaplasty does not affect cesarean delivery.

Labioplasty Surgery Be Performed During Menopause?

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, advancing age and menopause are very important for sagging inner lips. Lips sag even more with advancing age. As a result of this sagging, labiaplasty can be performed. In other words, any woman, young or old, who has entered menopause can undergo labiaplasty surgery.

Labioplasty Information Kept Confidential?

Patient privacy is very important not only in labiaplasty but in all diseases. In accordance with the rules of medical ethics, all disease and operation information is kept confidential. Examination is legally prohibited unless the patient requests it. How Long Does It Take to Heal After Labioplasty and Is Dressing Required? You should rest for the first 3 days. After the first week, the edema begins to disappear and the stitches come off spontaneously after 20 days. After this process, all activities can be continued. Dressing should generally be done within 7-10 days and with antibiotic cream.

Labioplasty Surgery?

When performed with the correct technique, there will be no stitch scars as a result of labiaplasty surgeries. However, depending on the method chosen, the appearance of the genital organ may vary. Therefore, a specialist physician can understand that this operation has been performed.


Labioplasty Surgery Ankara

Please call our office for detailed information and control about labiaplasty .

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Aslı Yücetürk provides services in her own practice in Mahall Ankara , in areas of expertise such as birth , pregnancy follow-up , abortion , vaginismus , vaginal tightening and infertility treatment . For information and to make an appointment, you can call 0552 328 9989 .


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