Pregnancy Follow-up in Ankara

Pregnancy follow-up in our priviate office in Ankara covers the process from understanding the pregnancy to birth.

Every woman who wants to become a mother needs information and support on this subject. Pregnancy follow-up is absolutely necessary to meet the medical support pregnant women need from planning to birth and after birth . It is a very important issue to protect pregnant women and unborn babies in a healthy way and ensure birth.

To explain why monitoring pregnancy is important, the fact that many possible problems can be easily prevented after the specific tests is one of the most important answers to why pregnancy monitoring is necessary . A different formation process is observed at each different time of pregnancy. When all these processes are followed regularly, precautions can be taken to prevent problems that may have negative consequences for the baby and mother in the future. Thanks to the early interventions of your gynecologist, the mother can have a healthy pregnancy and the baby can have a healthy period during this process. One of the golden rules for regular pregnancy follow-up is to have healthy babies to be born

Pregnancy is the most enjoyable experience in a woman's life, and as pregnancy progresses, many questions arise in her mind about these changes that develop in her uterus and whole body. When will I be able to hear its heartbeat, when will the fingers form, when will it start hearing the music I play? In this article, I will try to answer these and some similar questions by detailing the development of the fetus in the womb week by week .

Pre-Pregnancy Follow-Up

Unfortunately, this process is often neglected. All women, whether they have an active sexual life or not, should have regular check-ups with a gynecologist . Not only when pregnancy is considered; During your normal life, it is necessary to see a gynecologist regularly in order to be protected from many gynecological diseases , to take precautions and to raise awareness. Every woman should make these checks a habit for her own health. Especially when pregnancy is considered in the future, the medical history of the expectant mother is better understood and thus the pregnancy process can be followed in a healthy way.

What is Pregnancy Tracking and How is It Done?

We emphasized the importance of pregnancy follow-up to protect babies and mothers during pregnancy and ensure a healthy birth. The onset of pregnancy is most often detected through urine or blood tests.

Thanks to the detailed scientific evaluations, a possible disease in the womb can be diagnosed more easily and a healthy road map can be drawn to eliminate it before or after birth.

Why is Pregnancy Follow-Up Important?

Follow-up examinations of the pregnancy are important to monitor the baby's development and prevent potential problems. At the same time, your gynecologist monitors the mother to find diseases that may worsen during pregnancy and provides the necessary treatments.

Completing your pregnancy process with the help of an expert, professional, experienced gynecologist who can ensure the healthy birth of the baby, who gives you confidence, where you can ask your questions openly and get answers without leaving any doubts in your mind will help you go through this process in a healthy and peaceful way .

Another issue where pregnancy follow-up has become so important is to help early diagnosis and prevention of structural diseases that may occur in babies. In this way, structural diseases can be detected and treated in the early stages of pregnancy.

At what intervals does pregnancy follow-up occur?

Both expectant mothers; and doctors know that the importance of pregnancy follow-up for mother and baby health should not be ignored. If the expectant mother has a baby, pregnancy should be monitored every two to three weeks for the first three months. These checks should be continued every month in the future. Expectant mothers may expect to have more than one baby, may have an existing disease, or may have had negative health problems in the past, such as miscarriage. Therefore, they need to have regular pregnancy follow-up. The main factors that determine the pregnancy follow-up process are the health of the pregnant woman and whether there are any risks. During pregnancy, mothers may be overweight, underweight, have diabetes, anemia, uterine abnormalities, be younger than desired or older than desired in terms of age. In these special cases, your gynecologist will recommend you the most appropriate process to follow up your pregnancy.

Week by Week Pregnancy Tracking

First Fertilization

The first step of pregnancy is fertilization. Even though you still don't know what's going on, you are actually experiencing the first days of your pregnancy. When the sperm encounters the laid egg and enters the egg, the formation of a new living creature begins with the genetic fusion of the two cells. In fact, all genetic features of this creature, including gender, have been formed. Within a few days, the fertilized egg undergoes rapid division and reaches the multicellular stage. All developments up to this moment take place in the mother's fallopian tubes. After a few cellular stages, it passes through the tubes, descends into the uterine cavity and attaches to the uterine wall. While cellular proliferation continues here, the placenta, which is needed to nourish the baby, begins to form and adhere to the uterine wall.

4 weeks

your baby's face and neck development begins. The heart and blood vessels are also beginning to form. The initial formation of the lungs, stomach and liver has also begun. At this stage, you can find out if you are pregnant with a home test.

8 Weeks

Your baby is now slightly larger than 1 cm. Eyelids and ears are forming. Even the tip of the nose has become visible. Arms and legs also became clear. Fingers and toes begin to lengthen, but it is not very noticeable.

12 Weeks

Your baby is now approximately 10-11cm in size and weighs 15-20g. By gently pressing 8-10 cm below your belly button, you begin to feel the top of your uterus. Your baby's heart and blood vessels are fully formed, and his eyelids have started to move. At this stage, your baby's unique fingerprint has developed.

First 3 Months in Pregnancy Follow-Up (First Trimester )

The initial start-up process is important in reaching a general background opinion. During this process, the expectant mother's height and weight are measured and recorded. In this way, the mother can gain a healthy weight during the process. In the same process, the illness history of the expectant mother and her family can be examined and whether there is a consanguineous marriage or blood incompatibility can be determined.

What is the Double Screening Test in Pregnancy Follow-up?

Double screening test orfirst trimester screening test is performed between the 11th and 14th weeks of pregnancy to evaluate the risks of chromosomal disorders and Down syndrome . Test evaluation is made with a blood test taken from the mother and ultrasound control. The double test is highly recommended by gynecologists and aims to detect abnormal findings early and provide prenatal options to the family depending on the degree of the possible problem. In the nuchal translucency control performed within the scope of the double test, the amount of fluid accumulated under the baby's neck is checked with ultrasound. This fluid is within a certain normal limit in every baby. If the amount of fluid is higher than the normal limit, the possibility of having both a chromosomal disorder and a structural disorder in the baby increases.

As part of the double test, the nasal bone is also checked. In babies with Down syndrome, the nasal bone is either absent or has very little formation.

With the double test, your doctor will not only get accurate results on the issues mentioned above, but also can understand whether the baby is in a normal development process, the formation of visible organs, the presence of multiple pregnancy (such as twins or triplets), and whether there is an asymptomatic pregnancy loss. The accuracy of the measurements is directly related to the baby's position, the device used and the experience of your gynecologist. Your gynecologist recommends these tests and guides the expectant mother correctly in terms of their results and early intervention in many possible undesirable situations.

What is Down Syndrome?

In humans, chromosomes are found in binary structures. This dual structure has complementary features. Trisomy 21 is the name given to the presence of a triple structure instead of a double structure in the 21st chromosome, and this is the main cause of Down syndrome . The symptoms of Down syndrome are known among the public because it is a very common genetic disease . People with Down syndrome have physical growth retardation, characteristic facial appearance, and moderate mental retardation. The life expectancy of people born with this disease is also shorter than that of people without the disease.

16- 20 Weeks

Your baby has reached a weight of approximately 275-300 g and is slightly longer than 15 cm. Your uterus has reached the level of your belly button. Your baby can now suck his thumb, yawn, stretch and make facial expressions . You've probably started to feel your baby's movements as movements that you can describe as the flapping of a butterfly's wings or the sliding of a fish from one place to another. However, it is too early for kicks and strong movements.

What is the Triple Screening Test in Pregnancy Follow-up?

The triple screening test is usually done between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy. This issue is something that should not be missed during pregnancy follow-up and is very important. Triple screening tests will not be performed before and after these weeks. In the triple screening test, expectant mothers must first undergo an ultrasound examination. After the ultrasound examination, alpha-fetoprotein, u-E2 (free estriol) and B-HCG are measured in the expectant mother's blood. Measurements are made by entering laboratory results, measurement values obtained during ultrasound examination, and information such as the pregnant woman's last menstrual period, age, and smoking status. The findings and guidance of your gynecologist based on the results of this test are of great importance.

What is Amniocentesis?

Amniocentesis is very important in prenatal diagnosis. If some diseases and anomalies are suspected, this test is applied and the diagnosis is clarified. A thin and long needle is inserted into the mother's womb and some amniotic fluid is taken. If biochemical substances indicating anomalies are seen in the examinations performed on this fluid, or by detecting the baby's cells and determining their chromosome structure, the diagnosis can be made definitively.

Detailed Ultrasound

Detailed ultrasonographic examination of your baby is carried out on 18-20 days. I recommend doing it every week. In this detailed ultrasound, you can get detailed information about your baby's brain, face, heart, kidneys, arms, legs, hands, feet and fingers, gender, spinal structure and many other organ development. You can also get clear information about the structure of the baby's partner (placenta), its attachment to the uterine wall and its location. During the ultrasound, you can witness your baby's hand and arm movements, facial expressions and yawns . This is the week when you can find out the gender in the most accurate way. Imaging with 4-dimensional ultrasound also becomes more meaningful after this stage. Since 4D ultrasound provides more information about the baby's appearance, it provides more understandable and enjoyable images for parents after these weeks.

24 weeks

Your baby weighs approximately 650 g and has started to hear and react to sounds . Responds to certain sounds by moving or increasing heart rate. If you feel sudden short movements in succession, this may be due to your baby's hiccups. At this stage, the inner ear is fully formed and your baby can feel its position in the womb.

28 weeks

Your baby has reached a weight of approximately 900 g and is constantly changing its position in the uterus. Even if a premature birth occurs at this stage, there is a possibility that the baby will survive after birth. At this stage, it can be understood during your examinations whether there is a risk of premature birth. It is also a suitable time to receive birth-related training and prepare.

Sugar Tolerance Test (50 G Glucose Test)

The sugar (glucose) tolerance test performed between the 24-28 weeks , is performed to detect diabetes occurring during pregnancy. If the expectant mother has a history of gaining excessive weight during pregnancy, having given birth to a large baby in the previous pregnancy, or having diabetes in first-degree relatives or in previous pregnancies, it should also be done at the beginning of pregnancy, weeks earlier . Even if the test results are normal at the beginning of pregnancy, at 24-28 weeks the test should be repeated in weeks.

The test content includes 50gr for the expectant mother. drink sugar-containing liquid. As a result of the test, it can be understood whether glucose is in balance in the mother's body, and if the values are high according to these results, precautions should be taken. When the values are higher than they should be, the physician will first make changes in the diet of the expectant mother and help her to acquire a suitable eating habit; If the values do not return to normal with diet, insulin treatment will be applied.

What Happens If a Sugar Tolerance Test is Not Performed During Pregnancy and High Sugar Is Not Controlled?

If necessary precautions are not taken according to the test results a mother ca nencounter the follwing risks

  • Serious health problems 8preeclampsia , hypertenison) in the mother

  • Early birth

  • Incomplete lung development in the baby due to premature birth

  • Extremely low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in the baby after birth

  • Health problems in the baby( heart disease, abnormal devepopment,nonfunctional organs)

.As a result, regular pregnancy follow-up is very necessary for pregnancy and is especially important to the extent that it affects the life of the baby. Expectant mothers definitely need advice and guidance from their doctors during the pregnancy process, and therefore check-ups should not be interrupted during this period. With pregnancy follow-up, both the mother; In addition, the baby's health status and development are monitored regularly; It allows expectant mothers to get through the process without any problems by getting expert support in case of possible problems.

While following the processes, the expectant mother's previous birth history is also taken into consideration. The popular belief that childbirth becomes easier as the number of births increases has no medical basis. An expectant mother may experience complications in her next birth that she did not experience in her first two births. Or, on the contrary, he may not experience any of the negativities he experienced in his previous births. It is very important that these processes are followed correctly and evaluated by a gynecologist according to the patient's history in order to have a healthy pregnancy and to ensure that the mother and the baby have a healthy period afterwards.

32 weeks

You should start to feel more and stronger movements of your baby. Your baby has reached a weight of approximately 1.8 kg. That's why its movements are felt more strongly. Your baby will probably gain half of his current weight before birth. Tracking the baby's movements is also important in these weeks. Be sure to learn from your doctor how you should follow your baby's movements and how you can differentiate between normal and abnormal . During these weeks, a yellowish fluid may come from the nipple. This is the first milk we call colostrum and it is due to the acceleration of milk production in your breasts, do not worry. After this week, your doctor's visits will probably decrease to every 2 weeks.

36 weeks

At this stage, babies' weight varies depending on many factors. Such as the gender of the baby, the number of babies, the nature of the parents. The growth rate of the baby is more important to us than its weight. At this stage your baby is approximately 46 cm and weighs 2800 g. The brain develops very quickly. The lungs are almost fully developed. The baby's head has generally taken the birth position. Although term birth occurs in the 40th week, we consider births after the 37th week as term birth. 41-42. Births in the following weeks are considered as postterm births.

How to Calculate Date of Birth?

Your estimated due date is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period , not from which day you became pregnant. Therefore, birth is expected to occur approximately 40 weeks after the last menstrual period . Although the 40th week is the expected delivery date in the follow-ups throughout your pregnancy, 38-42 weeks. Birth can occur between weeks and this is not a problem. When some patients are unsure of the last menstrual period or do not have regular menstrual periods, the actual age of pregnancy may differ from that calculated based on the last menstrual period. This may lead to a change in the estimated birth date.

If medically the birth has not yet occurred despite the 42nd week of pregnancy, the birth may now need to be performed with the doctor's decision. However, although births up to the 42nd week are considered premature, it is normal.

In Which Week is the Baby's Gender Learned?

Expectant mothers and fathers are very hasty about the gender of the baby. They want to know the gender in the first weeks of learning about the pregnancy; However, even if the gender is recorded in the baby's chromosomes, it is not possible to find out in the first weeks of pregnancy. The gender of the baby can be determined by certain medical methods. The time to determine gender varies depending on the method. The methods and weeks by which the baby's gender is determined are as follows:


It is the most used technique in gender determination. No definitive information can be given by ultrasound in the first 14 weeks. The clearest information about the baby's gender is obtained from the 16th week onwards.

Fetal DNA Test from Maternal Blood

This test is generally used for Down syndrome etc. It is used to understand genetic diseases. In addition, gender can also be learned, but except for some rare cases, learning gender is not the main purpose of this test. This test is at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. It is done in weeks.

Chorionic Villus Biopsy

Within the framework of ethical rules, even if the gender is determined as a result of this test, the mother is not told. It is the process of taking a piece from the baby's partner with a needle. This procedure is used to identify certain genetic anomalies and can be performed at the 12th week.


16-18 days in case of suspicion of genetic disease. It is the process of taking amniotic fluid, which is done in weeks. Similarly, for ethical reasons, the mother is not told the gender.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

It is used in in vitro fertilization treatment. But the aim is to determine whether there will be a healthy embryo or not. Therefore, the gender is not told to the mother.

Sexual Intercourse During Pregnancy

Sexual intercourse is a situation that all humans are hormonally oriented towards and comes from our nature. It is normal for couples to want to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy. Generally, there is a belief in couples that it will harm the baby, so we should not have intercourse. Medically, sexual intercourse does not affect the health of the baby and mother until the last 4 weeks of a healthy pregnancy . The reason why intercourse is not recommended in the last 4 weeks is that there is a risk that the substance called prostaglandin, found in the fluid released from the man's genital organ during sexual intercourse, may affect contractions during birth.

Pregnant women generally experience psychological fluctuations. The woman may find herself in an uneasy, unhappy and depressed mood. Such fluctuations can also reduce the desire for sexual intercourse. Generally, in the later stages of pregnancy, the woman's desire for sexual intercourse begins to increase; However, the pain caused by the expansion of the uterus may alienate you from sexual intercourse. In summary, the desire for sexual intercourse may vary from woman to woman.

In some cases during pregnancy, the obstacle to sexual intercourse may be physiological rather than psychological. In other words, in some cases related to the body, sexual intercourse is prohibited by the doctor. Some situations that may be examples of this are:

  • Women who have previously had a miscarriage or premature birth may be advised not to have sexual intercourse during the first 2 months of pregnancy.

  • Sexual intercourse is prohibited in women who are at risk of miscarriage, premature birth, or have vaginal bleeding at any time during pregnancy.

  • If a genital infection occurs in a man or woman, intercourse is prohibited.

Partner support is very important both in terms of sexual intercourse and the general course of the pregnancy. The more accurately the woman's psychological fluctuations are met by her partner, the more positively the couple's psychology will be affected. This also has positive effects on the course of pregnancy.

Ankara Pregnancy Follow-up

For the tests, follow-ups and controls that need to be done from the moment you learn about your pregnancy until the moment of birth, consult gynecologist Dr. Asli. You can reach Yücetürk. In her pirvate office in Ankara, all procedures related to pregnancy follow-up and birth are carried out meticulously. If you are searching for a gynecologist for Pregnancy Follow-up Ankara , Dr. Aslı Yücetürk is with you with years of experience...

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Aslı Yücetürk provides services in her own practice in Mahall Ankara, in areas of expertise such as birth , pregnancy follow-up, abortion , vaginismus and infertility treatment . For information and to make an appointment, you can call 0552 328 9989 .


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