Things to Pay Attention to After Caesarean Section

Although many women prefer normal delivry to give birth to their babies, and meanwhile obstetricians create supportive conditions for the expectant mother for normal birth, in some cases, cesarean delivery can be recommended.

Of course, it is normal for the expectant mother to feel comfortable and want the healthiest solutions for herself during the process of making this decision. However, it is important for the obstetrician reassure the expectant mother about the suggestions in this regard and to explain the most suitable way of birth to her in full details. .


Physical Reasons That Require Cesarean Birth

In some cases, your doctor may decide that a cesarean section is the best way to give birth for you. Let's take a look at these situations together.

Situations That May Be Difficult for the Baby

The way the baby enters the birth path in the womb is important in making this decision. For normal birth, the baby's head must come first. However, in some cases, the bottom, arm, forehead or face may be in front of the birth canal and performing a normal birth may create a difficult situation.

The placenta may have come in front of the birth canal and blocked it.

Baby 4000gr. or has reached a larger weight, cesarean section may be preferred.

The placenta may separate before birth, causing bleeding.

Situations That May Be Difficult for the Mother

If the expectant mother has had a uterine surgery before, the uterus may not be suitable for normal birth.

If the expectant mother's hip bones are narrow, the norm may not create a suitable environment for birth.

Likewise , if the mother has active genital warts, the baby may be harmed during birth.

Apart from all these reasons, it may be necessary to decide on a cesarean section during the birth with the aim of delivering the baby through normal birth. In cases where the birth takes longer than expected and does not occur, or if a problem is detected in the baby during birth, your doctor may decide to switch to the cesarean delivery.

In this case, the best and healthiest decision for both the baby and the mother should be made and the method of birth should be decided, and the birth should be carried out by taking into account the complications that may occur during the procedure.

You can learn what you wonder about normal birth in our Normal Birth Ankara article.

What Happens After Cesarean Birth?

Birth by cesarean section is an abdominal surgical operation. For this reason, of course, the recovery period will be longer than normal birth. The mother may feel pain in the lower abdomen for a while after birth and can use painkillers with the instructions of her doctor, in a way that will not be harmful to her baby.

When standing up, women needs support due to the stitches and should avoid sharp reflexes. During this process, you should act a little more calmly to prevent increased pain and problems with the stitches. Incisions and stitches are also common during normal birth. However, it may take 4-6 weeks for the stitches for cesarean delivery to fully heal. During this process, you need to be very meticulous about the dressing and hygiene of the stitches. Even if you do not have allergic skin, you should choose cotton fabrics and avoid wearing elastic clothes that will tighten your abdomen. Lying down or carrying a load in a way that puts pressure on your abdomen would be wrong and could cause your stitches to tear.

If your stitches are not self-dissolving, you should have them removed after 7 days or the period recommended by your doctor .

Your doctor will share accurate information about when to take a shower and how to take a shower. However, after approximately 48 hours, taking a warm shower while standing will not cause any harm.

One week after the cesarean section, the person can return to his normal life, provided that he is careful, and movement restrictions are partially eliminated.

However, if you still have to make heavy sports and heavy work in your daily routine, you need to wait for a recovery period before you can do these.

Let's take a look at the questions we frequently receive about issues to consider after cesarean delivery:

How Should I Lie Down After Cesarean Birth?

You should choose a sleeping position that does not apply pressure on your abdomen and does not stretch your stitches. You can support your back with a pillow and lie down slightly .

When Does Pain Go Away After Caesarean Section?

Giving birth to a baby is a very happy situation for the expectant mother. Due to some physical conditions, you may have chosen to give birth to your baby by cesarean section, or your doctor may have decided that this method of birth is the healthiest for you and you may have given birth to your baby this way. At the end of your pregnancy and birth, you will definitely be a little tired. As we mentioned, Caesarean section is a surgical operation. Your pain, which is worse in the first few days, can be relieved with painkillers as recommended by your doctor. Afterwards, your pain will decrease week by week and will disappear completely within 4-6 weeks.

When Do Cesarean Section Stitches Heal?

Your stitches can be removed 7 days after birth; However, it may take 4-6 weeks for stitch marks to heal.

Can My Stitches Become Infected After Caesarean Section?

After a cesarean section, you should pay attention to the cleanliness of your stitches and the contact surfaces to prevent them from getting infected .In the insicion area:

  • If you see redness, swelling, inflammatory discharge

  • If you feel different or more pain than normal

  • If you show symptoms of high fever

  • If you are suffering from foul-smelling vaginal discharge

then you should contact to your health care provider.

You should definitely avoid using mixtures heard from hearsay, applied at home, or unconsciously applied to the wound, and seek medical help in this regard.

How Long Should I Wait for a Second Pregnancy After Cesarean Delivery?

Birth causes many physical changes. After giving birth once, you can get pregnant again after 2 years for a second pregnancy, so that your body can physically recover. Of course, this is a general process. If you have a disease or other illnesses that may/may prevent pregnancy, it is best to consult your gynecologist to evaluate the process.

How Should I Eat?

First of all, you should drink plenty of water and consume fiber foods. If you have a chronic constipation problem, you should definitely mention this to your doctor and follow her instructions. Constipation after cesarean section may cause your stitches to open due to strain. That's why you should not forget to consume plenty of fluids. You also contribute to increasing milk production by drinking plenty of water.

Consumption of milk and dairy products is definitely recommended as it will increase milk production.

Solid foods are not recommended after birth. You can consume soup, but since grain soups will stimulate your intestines, you can choose vegetable and yoghurt soup.

You can choose nuts such as hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and cashews as snacks during snacks .

Fruit and vegetable consumption is important. You can consume salads with plenty of greens and vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots and spinach, and eat vegetable dishes cooked with a little olive oil.


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