Vaginismus Treatment in Ankara

There are thousands of diseases in the medical literature. These diseases may occur for psychological, social or physiological reasons (related to the body's own functioning). A similar situation is observed in diseases in the genital area. Some of the sexual diseases may be caused by partners or may occur due to psychology. Many sexual diseases prevent sexual intercourse, make it difficult or more unpleasant than before. In our article, we will examine vaginismus , a disease that develops due to female psychology and negatively affects sexual intercourse .

What is Vaginismus ?

The muscles in our body have many functions. One of the common and important features of both voluntary and involuntary muscles is to provide flexibility to the body. Muscles provide flexibility when they are relaxed.

Vaginismus is a disease that results in inability to have sexual intercourse as a result of involuntary contraction of the muscles at the entrance of the vagina . Lack of sexual intercourse negatively affects the psychological and social status of couples.

the involuntary contraction of the outer 1/3 muscles of the vagina " VAGINISMUS ". Vaginismus is a primitive and physical fear reflex as well as a vaginal reflex that originates from the unconscious, fearing " what if it hurts " and not allowing intercourse to take place . A woman reacts the same way not only to her husband's penis, but also to the tampon, the doctor's finger, and even her own finger. Even the partner's positioning for sexual intercourse can trigger the reflex.

The female vagina and hymen have a flexible structure that can expand. It takes shape according to the size or smallness of the man's penis and there is never any pain, bleeding or bursting during penetration . Information contrary to this is one of the most common reasons that trigger fear during sexual intercourse in women.

Why Does Women Suffer From Vaginismus ?

Vaginismus , one of the biggest problems of couples today , does not occur due to the woman's own will. Although the exact reason is not known, it is generally related to women's psychology and couples' approach to sexuality. Apart from this, it is thought that some diseases may also cause vaginismus . Some causes of vaginismus are:

  • Having experienced or witnessed sexual harassment or abuse

  • Vaginal yeast infections

  • traumatic birth or gynecological procedure

  • general anxiety

  • The belief that the first sexual intercourse will be extremely painful

  • Physical trauma (without sexual trauma)

  • Stress

  • vulvar Conditions called vestibulitis , which do not give clear clinical findings but may cause pain during intercourse

  • Being exposed to domestic violence

  • Loss of trust between spouses

  • Fear of losing control

  • Feeling of being sexually inadequate

  • fear of pregnancy

  • Lack of sexual knowledge

How Does Vaginismus Appear ?

The most basic symptom of the women with vaginismus is the emergence of a panic attack-like situation when "that moment" arrives. The woman pushes her partner, becomes stiff, has palpitations, and feels anxiety, fear and anxiety. Her consciousness is clear, but she loses the control and control passes into the hands of her sunconscious. After a while, feelings of guilt, shame, disappointment, and self-hatred begin to arise, wondering why she can't do what everyone else does easily. After a while, the pressure from the environment to have children causes fear to turn into sexual reluctance .

What Precautions Should Be Taken to Protect from Vaginismus ?

Vaginismus can develop due to some psychological problems, as well as some environmental factors and personal preferences. Therefore, it may be necessary to avoid these environmental factors completely. Avoiding these situations completely will not put any clear obstacles in your way from having vaginismus . However, if these rules are followed, the possibility of vaginismus will decrease significantly. Because, as a result of research, women who pay attention to the points we will give below are less likely to suffer from vaginismus .

Alcohol should be strictly avoided. Since alcohol reduces sexual responses, it may invite vaginismus . It will also cause not only vaginismus but also many sexual problems. Like alcohol, smoking should be avoided as much as possible. Even exposure to cigarette smoke can cause these effects. In this sense, smoking slows down blood circulation. Slowing blood circulation will cause contractions.

Being physically active is one of the only things that prevent vaginismus . Regular physical and mental activities such as yoga, pilates and meditation largely prevent vaginismus . It will also minimize the contractions that occur after vaginismus .

It is necessary to learn to spend time with yourself and do activities that you enjoy by making time for yourself. At this point, stress, which is one of the biggest factors that trigger vaginismus, is minimized and a more positive mood emerges.

Vaginismus Diagnosis and Treatment?

vaginismus is a sexual disorder related to women, it is diagnosed and treated by physicians specialized in gynecology and obstetrics. However, since it is also a psychological condition, only the relevant gynecology and obstetrician does not carry out the treatment process. A clinical psychologist or psychiatrist may also take part in the diagnosis and treatment of some psychological problems, if any, caused by the disease or some psychological problems created by the disease. However, there is a point to note here. This point is that the clinical psychologist or psychiatrist is an expert in sexual therapy .

During the diagnosis process, the specialist physician first takes the patient's history. At this point, it is determined whether there is any condition related to vaginismus in the patient's history. However, in general, diagnosis will not be difficult as vaginismus is a disorder that manifests itself clearly with its symptoms. After this process, a pelvic examination is performed on the gynecology table. Here, if the patient has vaginismus , she will not allow pelvic examination at certain levels . This disallowance does not occur consciously, but as a result of the contraction of the vaginal muscles, preventing the physician's examination. At this point, the physician, who makes a definitive decision that the patient has vaginismus , asks the patient some questions to understand the source of vaginismus . These questions are generally about what kind of situations show symptoms of vaginismus . Thus, the reasons why the patient acquired this disorder or the situations that triggered it will be resolved. In this way, the treatment process progresses more effectively and quickly. In this sense, the attending physician may also request some blood tests, assuming that some conditions trigger vaginismus .

vaginismus become extremely stressed and tense during physical examination, especially pelvic examination. This may make the examination difficult or even impossible. At this point, there is no need to hesitate. The specialist physician will help prepare the patient and his body for the examination in order to perform a pelvic examination. At this point, the patient can try different examination positions or relax the patient by sharing each step with the patient.

Pelvic Examination and Vaginismus

Pelvic examination is a type of manual examination, colloquially known as bottom examination, performed by expert gynecologists. This examination is also called a gynecological examination because it is performed to diagnose disorders in the field of gynecology.

Many women, especially those with vaginismus and virgins, hesitate to have a gynecological examination. At this point, with the technology that has developed in recent years , no problems are encountered during the pelvic examination. However , in women with vaginismus , pelvic examination may not be allowed as a result of contractions. In this case, sedation anesthesia is applied, which is much lighter than other types of anesthesia . In this way , the patient with vaginismus can be examined easily.

There are also women who have reservations about virginity. However, today, with different endoscopic methods, examination into the uterus can be carried out without causing any damage to the hymen.

pelvic examination, disposable speculums or sterilized pediatric size speculums can be used. At this point, the examination is performed painlessly. In addition, new and comfortable examination methods have been developed instead of old methods. However, the comfort of the examination will vary depending on factors such as the patient's trust in the physician, not being stressed and comfortable during the examination.

Manual examination has become an examination method that has not been preferred in recent years, except for some diseases. Transvaginal USG, which is an ultrasonic examination method that replaces this method , allows the examination of internal genital organs in a very gentle and painless way due to developing techniques . Apart from all these, women with situational vaginismus generally do not experience any problems during the pelvic examination.

What is the Situational Vaginismus ?

In this type of vaginismus women voluntarily stiffen themselves and do not allow intercourse out of fear of burning, pain or suffering. These people are very comfortable during the gynecological examination , but they panic when sexual intercourse begins.

Do You Have The Vaginismus Problem?

Vaginismus can be seen in all women, married or unmarried. However, it can also be seen in women having their first relationship or women with an active sexual life.

There are several ways to understand that you have a vaginismus problem. Even women who have not heard of this disease go to the doctor when they see these symptoms. Because vaginismus is a very disturbing disease. It is a problem not only related to the woman herself, but also to the couple, and the partners should look for a solution together. Symptoms of vaginismus are:

Being Afraid of Having Intercourse

This situation, which is generally experienced during the first intercourse, is one of the main causes and symptoms of vaginismus . Depending on the degree of fear, the risk of vaginismus also increases. Although anxiety or fear on the first night occurs to almost all women, vaginismus is only seen in those who are afraid to a level that negatively affects their psychology.

Extreme Pain During Penis Entry into the Vagina

Contracted muscles at the entrance to the vagina can cause pain during penetration (the union of the vagina and penis).

Inability of Penis to Enter Vagina

Sometimes, when the muscles contract excessively, there is a space so narrow that it is not possible for the penis to enter the vagina. The man feels like there is a wall at the entrance of the vagina . In this case, couples trying to continue intercourse may cause muscle damage and very painful sexual intercourse for the woman.

Types of Vaginismus

Vaginismus disease is classified according to the period of the woman's sexual life. Although it is generally seen during the first sexual intercourse, it can also be seen in women with an active sexual life. Different psychological reasons play a role in these two periods.

Primary Vaginismus

Primary contractions that occur during the first sexual intercourseis called primary vaginismus . Women with this problem are very sensitive not only to the penis but to any object that enters the vagina. For this reason, they cannot have a vaginal examination or put a suppository or medicine into the vagina. primer The main reason for vaginismus to occur is fear of the first night. primer Women with vaginismus cannot be successful in their first relationships and cannot have sexual intercourse.

Secondary Vaginismus

Secondary Vaginismus is also called acquired vaginismus and its main cause is trauma to the woman's vagina . In women with normal sexual life; Acquired vaginismus may occur due to trauma such as a painful gynecological examination, miscarriage, abortion, difficult birth or rape . In this type of disease, primary Similar to vaginismus , it is mainly based on female psychology and fear. Vaginal penetration occurred previously, but post- traumatic penetration became impossible.

Secondary Vaginismus can also occur after menopause . After menopause, the woman's vaginal entrance loses its flexibility and painful sexual intercourse occurs. This may cause vaginismus .

Vaginismus and Sexual Reluctance

Vaginismus and sexual reluctance are completely different concepts. Now let's introduce these two concepts.

Sexual reluctance can occur in men or women. Basically, it is the lack of desire to have sexual intercourse. Reasons such as age difference with the spouse, wrong or rude behavior of the man or woman, hormonal reasons and injuries occurring at birth may cause sexual reluctance in couples. This completely depends on the person's wishes.

When the women has vaginismus , couples want to have sexual intercourse, but the muscles at the entrance of the vagina do not allow it . It is completely involuntary. However, neglected and prolonged vaginismus also causes sexual reluctance after a while.

Is Pregnancy Possible in Vaginismus ?

Vaginismus , penetration makes it impossible . Men and women can get close, but they cannot penetrate . However, during intimacy, the man's sperm may enter the woman's vagina and this may cause pregnancy. Pregnancy can occur in a virgin woman who has never had sexual intercourse, even though she has vaginismus .

Why is Gynecological Examination Important in Vaginismus ?

The first step in diagnosing vaginismus is a gynecological examination. This examination, which takes approximately 15 seconds, is important in clarifying the diagnosis of vaginismus , determining the degree of vaginismus , determining the method to be used in treatment, and determining whether there is an underlying anatomical obstacle. There are 5 degrees of vaginismus , and it is understood which of these degrees you have during this examination.

Gynecological examination is performed differently than usual. In order to avoid pain in the woman, the inside of the vagina is not checked with hands or instruments. The gynecologist only looks at the entrance to the vagina and obtains the necessary information. At the same time, the gynecologist gives the woman general information about sexual anatomy during this examination.

Vaginismus Developing Due to Congenital Vagina Problems

A narrow vaginal entrance, a curtain inside the vagina, and masses occupying space inside the vagina may cause vaginismus . Vaginismus , which develops due to congenital problems , constitutes only 1 percent of vaginismus patients. Vaginismus developing in this way can be easily understood by gynecologists.

Vaginismus is often an anxiety problem related to negative sexual messages received in the past, rather than a vagina or hymen problem . Therefore, a simple gynecological examination performed in the first session of vaginismus patients can provide a definitive diagnosis.

Congenital problems such as hymen or cysts are discovered during gynecological examination and then removed with simple surgical procedures, thus completely solving the woman's problems.

Treatment Methods for Vaginismus

Vaginismus is a common sexual disease seen in one in every 10 women in our country. In this disease, which is so common and unlikely to resolve spontaneously, many couples start treatment late because it is expected to resolve spontaneously. It should not be forgotten that vaginismus is not a simple fear, it is a real disease and must be treated.

vaginal muscles and replacing it with conscious and selective control will be the key step in overcoming vaginismus . Vaginismus is a 100% correctable condition, but in order for this situation to be corrected, partners must be equally willing and participating. Therefore, joint evaluation and participation of the spouses during treatment is very important.

The treatment approach is based on "cognitive restructuring" . In other words, while examining the reasons why couples have not been successful so far, the factors that caused that failure and the erroneous, wrong and distorted beliefs are replaced with new accurate sexual information. We know that thoughts give rise to emotions, and unrealistic thoughts are bound to lead to wrong behavior. In the treatment, the unrealistic assumptions of the couples are determined and replaced with new real information, ensuring that this information is assimilated.

The next stage is performance therapy that can help couples , especially women, relax during intercourse . will be to teach the approach that will reduce anxiety . Once these are achieved, couples who learn how to use the pelvic muscles and transfer dominance to consciousness rather than unconscious fears will be able to overcome this problem by learning to relax and not tighten the pelvic muscles during intercourse . It is ensured that sexual intercourse is not torture but an enjoyable sharing.

Vaginismus therapy need both couples to enroll in the treatment steps. In this process, your spouse, more than your doctor, is your greatest and only ally. Spouses' support and love for each other will be the key to success. During the vaginismus treatment process, mutual understanding and love will eliminate negative situations such as painful sexual intercourse and sexual reluctance.

Cognitive and behavioral sexual treatment approaches are most often preferred as treatment methods for psychologically based vaginismus . Also hypnotherapy (hypnosis treatments) EMDR, acupuncture, neuraltherapy , biofeed back Auxiliary and supportive methods such as therapy and botulinum toxin injection applications can also be applied. Treatment methods are generally as follows:

Treatment with a Cognitive Approach

In this method, mistakes that are known to be correct are solved by talking. Women generally come with exaggerated and unrealistic information. Information about it being extremely painful and causing liters of blood to flow are just exaggerations. In general, the first intercourse is painless and bleeding-free. Even if there is bleeding and pain, it is quite minimal. Such information is given to the patient by the physician and the patient gets rid of his fears.

Vaginismus Exercises

These are exercises performed to prevent contraction in vaginismus . These; mirror exercise, massage ( sensate focus ), Kegel exercises, pelvic floor rehabilitation , finger exercises and dilator exercises.

Hymen Excision Treatment

If the vaginismus is arising from the hymen’s anatomical obstacle the problem can be solved with simple surgical operations.

Important Points That Can Be Applied in Vaginismus Treatments

The following issues are taken into consideration during vaginismus treatments.

It Should Be Easily Applicable

The treatment method should be easy to apply. Methods that both men and women can easily apply are important for the speed of the solution and the happiness of the spouses.

Scientifically Proven Methods Should Be Applied

Vaginismus treatment should be applied in reliable hands and with scientific methods. Treatment or surgical procedures performed by physicians who are experts in their field ensure that the treatment is fast and precise . Due to confidentiality rules in hospitals, information is never given to others. For this reason, you should not hesitate to consult a physician and you should definitely consult a specialist physician.

Personalized Treatment Should Be Applied

Vaginismus treatment must be individual-specific. There cannot be a single type of treatment; the underlying cause of vaginismus and the degree of vaginismus are different in each patient. While some patients require surgery, some patients require psychological support.

Treatment Duration Should Be As Short As Possible

The treatment period should be kept as short as possible. Otherwise, the psychology of couples will be affected very badly. The treatment should be completed without the woman feeling like this is my problem, everything is my fault and I will never get better. The problem of vaginismus should not be attributed only to women , and spouses should be ensured to take joint responsibility on this issue.

Treatment to Produce a Permanent Solution Should Be Applied

Vaginismus is a disease that affects couples very negatively and should not recur. A permanent solution must be provided in the treatment received, and if the woman does not find the solution sufficient, the treatment should be continued.

Why is Spousal Participation Necessary?

The participation of the male partner in the treatment is also required. In the presence of a partner who thinks that the cause is the woman and does not participate in the treatment, the treatment period is considerably longer or treatment cannot be achieved. The husband's support for the woman is very important, especially in psychological treatment.

A Comfortable Environment During the Diagnosis and Treatment Process Should Be Ensured

The warm and friendly atmosphere in the hospital or treatment center where you will be treated makes the woman feel comfortable. This increases the likelihood of the treatment being successful.

Singles Vaginismus Symptoms

who thought about getting married but gave up due to vaginismus or who do not look favorably on relationships for the same reason. This problem occurs frequently in single or widowed women.

vaginismus should give up on this and resort to permanent treatment methods. The symptoms of vaginismus in single women , which are not much different from married women, are as follows:

  • Marriage and first night fear

  • contraction in intercourse

  • Involuntarily pushing the partner

  • Tremors and intense fear

  • sweats

  • Palpitation

Vaginismus and Pelvic Muscles

The main cause of vaginismus is the involuntary contraction of the PC muscle, known as the pubococcygeus muscle, which is one of the pelvic muscles at the entrance to the vagina. Treatments are generally performed to prevent this muscle from contracting.

Where is the PC Muscle?

The organs in the area where the bladder and uterus are located are called pelvic organs . The muscles surrounding and surrounding this area are called pelvic muscles . The most well-known pelvic muscle, which enables a woman to urinate, have an orgasm and give birth, is called the PC muscle. This muscle is located at the entrance to the vagina.

How and Why Does the PC Muscle Begin to Contract Involuntarily?

Because the woman is about to have an anxious relationship, the woman's body gives involuntary reactions. One of these responses is the contraction of the pelvic muscles and other muscles in many parts of the body. The PC muscle, which can normally contract voluntarily, also contracts as one of these involuntary reactions.

How Does the Male Partner Feel These Contractions?

In vaginismus , the mind and body create a muscle memory or conditioned response to penetration. The body has learned to expect pain from penetration. Therefore, the PC muscle, which is a very strong muscle, contracts tightly and is blocked against the potential for pain during sexual intercourse. Due to this blockage, the man's penis cannot enter the woman's vagina during penetration and the man feels a wall of flesh.

When Should Couples with Vaginismus Problems Get Help?

Couples who cannot have intercourse on the first night or later should wait a maximum of 1 week and seek professional help if they cannot solve the problem on their own. There is no woman who cannot have sexual intercourse. There are no cold women either. Every woman can experience passion, desire and orgasm when there are no organic problems. In fact, our largest sexual organ is the " BRAIN" . If a person has negative feelings and thoughts about sexuality, it is difficult to enjoy sexual intercourse . "Penis and vagina are extras, the leading actor is the BRAIN ". When the brain encounters coercion, it accepts defeat, becomes alienated from sexuality, or does not participate emotionally in the forced situation.

Ankara Vaginismus Treatment

You can call our office for information about vaginismus treatment and to make an appointment: 0(552) 328 99 89


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